• Profile

    • 年齢 /age: 23
    • 身長 /height: 155cm
    • スリーサイズ /BWH: B84(C) W57 H82
    • 趣味 /hobby: 料理、読書、ランニング
      Cooking, Reading, Running
    • 登場回数 /Number of shots: 4
    • Comment

    • キュートな笑顔が眩しい「天使もえ」ちゃんがGRAPHISに4回目の登場!今回はタイのリゾート地、パタヤでの撮り下ろしグラビア!ロケ中は天気もよく、「もえ」ちゃんも終始、笑顔で順調に撮影は進みました!日本国内とは違った南国ならではの風景や街並み、美しいビーチやプールでの撮影と内容盛りだくさん!よりセクシーで色気の増した「もえ」ちゃんの一糸まとわぬヌード姿は息のむほどに美しい!GRAPHISだけの公開ギャラリーでは写真集未公開+撮り下ろし画像が満載です!じっくりお楽しみください!
    • A cute smile is dazzling "Moe Amatsuka" is the fourth appearance in GRAPHIS! This time it is filming in Thailand's resort, Pattaya! The weather was nice during the location, and "Moe" was going well, the shooting went smoothly with a smile! The landscape and townscape unique to the southern country different from the domestic landscape, shoots and contents in the beautiful beaches and swimming pool are plentiful! "Moe" 's unprecedented nude appearance is more breathtaking! In GRAPHIS only public gallery it is full of images of unpublished photo book + taking photos! Please enjoy yourselves carefully!

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