• Profile

    • 年齢 /age: 18
    • 身長 /height: 149cm
    • スリーサイズ /BWH: B82 W58 H82
    • 趣味 /hobby: 料理
    • Comment

    • グラビア撮影自体がほぼ初めてだった彼女。彼女の魅力はなんといっても、自然体でありながら溢れ出る可愛らしさだろう。今回はあえて挑戦する事をやめて彼女の今ある魅力を最大限に引き出す事に集中した。可愛らしさ、幼さ、真っ白なキャンバスのような雰囲気、全てをご覧頂きたい。
    • She that gravure photography in itself was approximately the first time. Even if her charm is called anything, it will be attractiveness to overflow while being a natural posture. I concentrated on that I stopped challenging it daringly this time and drew her charm that there was now to the maximum. You want to see attractiveness, childishness, atmosphere such as a pure white canvas, all.

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